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Iran on the verge of a revolutionary and epoch-making transformation

Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist:

Iran on the verge of a revolutionary and epoch-making transformation

A fierce political storm is brewing in Iran – a great, unprecedented and epoch-making upheaval with the potential of turning into a huge social revolution. These days, history is being made in Iran – a history completely different from the entire history of the past century. Women in Iran are a decisive vanguard actor in this revolutionary, epoch-making transformation. These days, women are taking off and burning the hijab the embodiment of women’s inferiority in astonishing unity and with steely determination. They are making history while dancing for freedom around the bon fires made of their discarded scarves.

The immediate goal of this massive uprising of the brave freedom-loving men and women is to overthrow the ruling terrorist Islamic regime. But it will not stop there. This massive movement is bound to crush the whole structure of contempt for human intelligence, the entire foundation of ignorance, reaction and tyranny, the pillars of oppression, discrimination and inequality.

The collective burning of the hijab is, obviously, targeting the Islamic gender-apartheid system. It is targeting the repressive theocratic state apparatus, the existence of parasitic mullahs and the misogynist system they control. In a nutshell, it is declaring war on the foundations of women’s oppression. The effects of the current developments in Iran, if brought to fruition, will, indeed, rival those of the renaissance of the 14th century. It will plow the history of the last century. It will deeply alter the political equations in the region. Among other things, it will put the existing Islamic states on the launch pad to annihilation one after the other. These developments will, of course, have lasting effects at the global level as well. For one thing, they will give the universal women’s liberation movement a huge boost, and will make a universal model out of the state and achievements of women’s freedom in Iran.

The victory of women in a potential revolution that has, indeed, a strong feminine tone, and will be known in history as “the feminine revolution”, is a crucial step towards the decline of the movement of political Islam (Islamism) in the region. The revived Islamism in Iran at the end of the 20th century was a movement that enjoyed the strong strategic as well as logistic support of the Western powers aimed at the suppression of the revolution of February 1979 in Iran. The result was the massacre of tens of thousands of communists and revolutionaries, the defeat of secularism and, consequently, bringing to surface of the whole slime of inhumanity and misogyny buried a century prior across the East.

That victory is, however, yet to be realized. Today, we are only witnessing the beginning of a battle with the most significant bulwark of reaction of our times; one that derives its power from the exploitative order of capitalism, and reproduces it. That victory will, therefore, pave the way for the revolutionary movement to continue in order to dismantle all forms of oppression and discrimination and, finally, release the whole miraculous potential of freedom and equality.

The prerequisite for advancing to victory along that road is that the current struggles, first and foremost, take on massive dimensions so that the possibility of crack down will be minimized. The expansion of the mass struggle will cause the regime’s repressive apparatus to disintegrate, and thereby help stabilize the previously conquered strongholds. A truly mass movement, involving members of various sectors of the society in their millions, will provide the working class with the chance to strike the final blow and break the backbone of the regime with a general strike or strikes at just strategically sensitive industries and services. Today, the children of workers and impoverished masses are, of course, widely participating in the current revolutionary uprising, but the politically organized emergence of the striking working class will lead the entire revolutionary movement into a new phase of social revolution.

We, in the Worker- communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist, consider ourselves part and parcel of this epoch-making battle aimed at the overthrow of the rule of the Islamic tyranny in Iran in its entirety. As such, we call all on all fighting masses to immediately set up revolutionary bastions such as councils in factories and other work places, in schools, universities and neighbourhoods; to raise and regularly strengthen political and tactical preparedness and awareness aimed at crushing various parts of the state apparatus; to practice our legitimate right to self-defence as well as to attack the oppressive forces of a state that has no legitimacy whatsoever as far as we, the citizens, are concerned; to fill every power vacuum with the people’s revolutionary power; to create organizations as well as get organized in political parties in order to participate in the fight over the political power with plans and programmes. To sum up: a war has just broken out – a war over our future and our children’s future, a war to annihilate tyranny, poverty and discrimination once and for all. It is, in a nutshell, a revolutionary war in order to achieve freedom, equality and prosperity.

Worker-communist Party of Iran-Hekmatist calls upon all key industrial centre workers, teachers, educational sector workers, non-emergency health service workers to go on strike and support the current protests in Iran. Islamic regime’s life line is in our hands. Let us smash it and make history with our own revolutionary will.

Long live the current fervent struggles of the revolutionary men and women!
Down with the Islamic Republic of Iran!
Freedom, Equality, Worker’s rule!

Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist
Sep. 21, 2022