اطلاعیه ها

Prevent the execution of three political prisoners in Iran.

Prevent the execution of three political prisoners in Iran;
a call for international solidarity and action!

The Islamic Regime of Iran has condemned Amir Hossein Moradi, Said Tamjidi and Mohammad Rajabi to execution; these young men have been arrested because they took part in the November uprising; the crushing of which led to more than 1500 deaths.

They were first condemned to death by Salavati, the so-called judge, in March 2020; this brutal sentence has now been approved by the Supreme Court. They are charged with “protest against the government; participating in armed clashes; taking part in destruction and leaving the country illegally.” All these ‘confessions’ were gathered under torture.

The Worker-communist Party of Iran-Hekmatist condemns these sentences and maintains that these young men are being executed in order to prevent similar uprisings. We’re calling on people; all organisations in support of freedom; and those who oppose capital punishment, to come together to put pressure on the regime to prevent this heinous crime. There are still thousands of protesters in prison in Iran for taking part in the November uprising. If we do not stop this regime, all these political prisoners will face execution. Execution is state murder.

Down with the Islamic Republic!
Freedom, Equality, Worker’s State!
Long Live Socialist Republic!

Worker-communist Party of Iran- Hekmatist
24 June, 202