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Communiqué Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist 1 February 2023

In solidarity with the female revolutionary uprising in Iran

For a socialist equality

The mass revolutionary uprising of women in Iran, which is named “female revolution”, is the most important issue of the day in this year’s international women’s day. For the first time in countries ridden with Islam, women and men stood up in their thousands to topple one of the most reactionary and misogynous regimes in the region. They came out to the streets shouting anti regime slogans while burning the hijab. This revolutionary movement that emerged 44 year ago against the then spiritual leader, Khamenei and chanted “No to Islamic hijab”, and “women’s rights are neither Eastern nor Western, they are universal” was brutally suppressed. It rose, once again in 2022 and gave hope to all and received national and international solidarity. It demonstrated the key role that women play in the struggle to overthrow the Islamic rule.

The main dominant characteristic of this movement in Iran is in its demands for equality, anti Islamism, and radicalism in words and deeds. This characteristic belongs to the socialist tradition of 8th March. Today, the socialist resolution of the question of women is tied with the socialist alternative to liberate the whole society. Women and men who have been arrested, tortured or killed are amongst millions of revolutionaries who hate the Mullahs and Islam. They have come to the streets in their thousands to end the nightmare of the Islamic Republic. There is no possibility of compromise, there is no way back. The Islamic Republic of Iran must go!

Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist fights for the unconditional freedom, equality of men and women in all aspects of the society. Our policy, and that of the women’s liberation movement in Iran is to strengthen the secular and socialist trends that strive for equality and the downfall of political Islam.

Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist greets the International Women’s Day. We urge all to commemorate this year’s 8th March in solidarity with the revolutionary movement and the political prisoners in Iran. We flight for a socialist equality. Let us raise this flag everywhere.

On International Women’s Day, let us shout out loud and clear “Free all political prisoners”. Let us paint every wall in universities, institutions and corners with this slogan. Let us publicise the picture of all those who were killed in their struggle for freedom. They must not be forgotten. We must not let the world forget about the crimes committed by the Islamic regime. They must be disclosed.

The necessary condition of abolishing gender apartheid and safeguarding women’s freedom in Iran is to overthrow the Islamic regime. The complete freedom and equality between men and women in all aspects is not possible without the fall of the totality of the Islamic regime, abolishment of wage labour and capitalism. We are victorious. There is no doubt about it. We will bury the flag of Islamic Republic and political Islam in Iran. Victory in Iran is the beginning of serious developments in the Middle East and the isolation of terrorism and the industry of religion. Taliban, Islamic regimes and the totalitarian regimes in the region will not rest under the revolutionary wave in Iran.

Unconditional freedom of men and women in all aspects in society!
Down with Islamic misogynous and criminal rules!
Freedom, Equality, Workers’ State!